Tuesday 18 March 2014

Ghostbusters - Asset Research

Since my animation will focus mainly on the actual Ghostbusters, I have researched into the looks and style of the clothing and tools they use in the film. Since they are so iconic and memorable, it is important to get these elements right and accurate, as doing so will greatly improve the quality of the animation when it’s submitted and avoid any backlash and negative feedback from fans of the series viewing the work.

The first item I looked at is said to be the most iconic of the series, the goggles. It has a very strange shape, its lenses being very thin and long, and also the base of it is very boxlike in its looks. This is good for my project as it will be fairly simple to model and will save me a lot of time during production. Also the polygon count will be low, which is good for animation as there will be many frames in the animation and it saves on a ton of rendering time. Creating this tool will be a fairly quick process and shouldn’t cause too many problems.

As for the clothing and suit they use, it is similar to the goggles in that it is fairly simple and there’s not a lot of detail in the suit. All that’s required is a cloth jacket with a nametag, belt and Ghostbusters symbol on the side. This also will be fairly quick to model, and I could reuse clothes from my other project to save on time and effort.

The backpack however, is another story. It is littered with complex details everywhere that would require multiple extrusions in 3D or by using separate objects entirely. Texturing it will also be an issue, as there are many labels, cables and scratch marks all over the backpack. This process would take a long time, and for the effort, you wouldn’t see the backpack too often for that amount of time to be justified. The timespan I have been given would not allow for such a complex object as this and so I’ve decided to not use this one in my project, as the other two tools will be enough to demonstrate that the two people are Ghostbusters.

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