Tuesday 11 March 2014

Competition Previous Entries Analysis – 11 Second Club

February 1st place – Talented Scientist
The animation style for this winning entry is very exaggerated, especially with hand gestures and movements. Its facial expressions are also exaggerated, his eyes and eyebrows doing most of the work. It uses very quick motions (most likely to make up for the short video time) and has few camera cuts.
It uses a cartoony style which helps the exaggerated motions and also the humour that’s used in the video, since it’s quirky and a little slapstick (close to the end). The whole idea of the submission is quite simple, it just being a crazy looking inventor that seems to be making mistakes with his work.

With my own piece, I could also take the cartoony approach as I think it really helps with creating quick, exaggerated motions that will fit in the 11 seconds well. Also the idea behind my project really doesn’t have to be too complicated and outside of the box, (based on this submission being selected as the winner it just has to display a good use of animation and motion overall, and match up to the audio file effectively.

February 2nd place – A night guard watches football during work
Similar to the first place entry, its movements are also exaggerated, but not as cartoony and wild. It seems to focus on the environment moreso than the winning entry and has better lighting and textures for the objects around the room. This may be because the story is more focused on the environment than the other piece.
The first person that talks in the clip is hidden out of view, which could be used in my project to save time if need be, and save me from modelling two separate characters. Its humour is also slapstick, with the character being clumsy with the remote.

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